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Criminal Justice (A)
If you’ve always been intrigued by the field of criminal justice, the Westwood College Criminal Justice associate degree program could be just what you need. You can complete this program in as little as 17 months, and once you graduate, you’ll be able to choose from many entry-level career paths including options in corrections and private security. Hands-on instruction by experienced professionals can provide you with:
- a focus on writing and communications to enhance reporting skills needed in criminal justice professions
- course content based on current issues in the field, including perspectives on the need for high ethical standards
- exposure to policing, corrections, juvenile justice and other key topics
Important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended this program, visit http://www.westwood.edu/media/files/pdf/WestwoodCollegeProgramDisclosures.pdf. Westwood prepares graduates for certification in some fields. Graduates wishing to attain a specific certification must take and pass any applicable test/exams.