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Graphic Design (A)
If the idea of becoming a graphic designer appeals to you, the Westwood College associate degree program in Graphic Design may be just what you need. In as little as 17 months you can complete the requirements for this degree while learning to use the knowledge of fine art, marketing and computer software to visually communicate ideas. Our faculty of industry professionals can provide:
- instruction and practice in web design, image editing, print production and digital design
- coursework that can help prepare you for industry-relevant Adobe® certificates*, such as InDesign®, Illustrator®, Dreamweaver® and Photoshop®
- assistance in creating a portfolio to showcase skills and expertise to prospective employers
Important information about the educational debt, earnings, and completion rates of students who attended this program, visit http://www.westwood.edu/media/files/pdf/WestwoodCollegeProgramDisclosures.pdf. Westwood prepares graduates for certification in some fields. Graduates wishing to attain a specific certification must take and pass any applicable test/exams.